Thursday, May 13, 2010

Almost One Year


I canot believe it has almost been a year since i last posted on this amazing blog of mine. Yes i say amazing becasue i was reading a lil bit of my previous (almost year old) blogs and i am good, with the exception of puncuation. My humor shines through, well maybe it does to me more becasue i know how to read it, and i catch all the mistakes i made. I hope you all know how to read it as well. I do want to give a shout out to Casey for it is you mydear that prompted me to write again. I was browsing facebook for the third hour and came upon this lovely lil blog abute a black cat that changes colors....oh my emotions came flooding over me like the nile after a rainstorm and i found y self back in eith grade sitting next to you and was it danielle norwood? and sometimes Liz Mason and Lindsy Englhardt, whoa...I showed my husband all your painting that we did becasue i still have mine and then i easily could pair the two assignments, Nomar is still sittinh in my room as i type away hoping that there is a Casey out there reading these words, becasue if there isnt all my folowers will no long be for i have betrayed thier loyalty and i am now writing to what is seems for them a ghost!
That was a long shout out!

Here is what i wanted, or shall i say what first came to mind when i decided to write antoher blog.

Question: Why does life pass us by in the fast lane?

Really...I feel as though I am this brittle old man hunched over in the driver seat of one of those really long cars from the 80's, i tend to call them molester cars (thats what i picture they drive?), i think they are buiks?? I feel like all these nice cars, fast cars, bright red, and all sporty and new are passing me by. All the drivers are young and hot!! and thier hair is blowing in the wind and they havent a care in the world.

So, lets analyze what just happened. First i called myself an old man. Second i seem to have a point of view on life that shows i am ?lonely? As i was typing the las t few words i saw that was i had written and the more that i wanted to write was centered on the fact that no one else has problems. Now, i know this is false, i know everyone has problems but why feel so lonely about it.

Back to the point. Even this blog reminds me of life passing me by, its been a frikken year pretty much since i last wrote...WHAT, that is absolute horse manure<~~def cant spell dung, feces sh!t.

Maybe i have blogged about thsi before but if i have then i am going to again and it just means that i mean business on this particular subject, i guess. Events pass us by high school graduation, than college, than marriage than babies and anniversaries and retirement and than eventually death, if you are lucky enought o live through all of those. My point being as i have passed about half of the latter in my life all these events have been anticipated in the fullest before they happen, then they happen, then they are over. No big deal really.

Ok so the actually point of this whole thing, One i am a huge skip around say everyhting and more thats on my mind at once, and its just to confuse you all, and two I WANT A FRIKKKEN BABY!!!


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Happiness / Love / Happiness

the quality or state of being happy.
good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy.

Above is' defintion of happiness.
Below is' definition for love. A bit more interesting.

a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
sexual passion or desire.
a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart.
(used in direct address as a term of endearment, affection, or the like): Would you like to see a movie, love?
a love affair; an intensely amorous incident; amour.
sexual intercourse; copulation.
(initial capital letter) a personification of sexual affection, as Eros or Cupid.
affectionate concern for the well-being of others: the love of one's neighbor.
strong predilection, enthusiasm, or liking for anything: her love of books.
the object or thing so liked: The theater was her great love.
the benevolent affection of God for His creatures, or the reverent affection due from them to God.
Chiefly Tennis. a score of zero; nothing.
a word formerly used in communications to represent the letter L.

Do the two coexist. Does one have to be in a state of happiness if they are in love ?
Do i resally need to ask that the other way around casue obviously not.

Its just so confusing how a heart a perfectly normal heart can be so contently in love but hot be happy!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Questions to Question

First here is a side note; I guess i will be the one to keep updated blogs...since the newest one from all my followers is 2 weeks old!!!

Well, to start off as i always do here is exactly what and all of what i am thinking at this very moment. I was driving home a couple days ago from longhorn, well let me rephrase, driving to the hospital. I ws thinking oooh i got a good idea for my next blog so i kept saying this crazy question in my head so that when i got to the hospital i would remember what it was. DId i remember? no! It was good, a good question to ponder and question the question. You know, those things that we all do, the daily activities, or just the way things run in our world., but one of those things that does not make sense when we really sit there and think about it. To bad this ended up being my normal rant nd rave rather than a really cool blog about why we do the things we do!! This sentence would have been so much better and more meangful.

Cute Commercials
Aflac-Barn animals talking,,,watch when you can
Etrade-Kids on the computer..shankapotumus, clown, his friend. (all three) Baldwin, Seth Mcfarlen and someone else.

Burger King -Have it your way
Mcdonalds- Im Lovin it
Dunkin Donuts- America runs on dunkin
Longhorn- When life calls for a steak
Quiznos- mmm mmm toasty
Subway - Eat fresh
Applebees - atin good in the neighborhood
Olive garden- When your here your family
Wendys - Its not fast food its wendys
Taco Bell- think outside the bun

Staples- Before, We've got that, Now, That was easy
Best Buy-
Smuckers- With a name like smuckers it has to be good.
Pork- The other white meat
Abercrombie and fitch-

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Reverse Psychology on God.

So I was thinking today, i tend to do a lot of that when i am having a stressful day imparticularly cycle day 1 or the days before anticipating the arrival of a late friggen Aunt. And I frikken hate her.

So here is my thought; It began with a friend saying that us folks who want a baby need to not want one. We need to be geting a divorce, or just plain hate our spouse, we need to be basically falling apart at the seams for it to actually happen; Conception. Well here is a loop hole for those of you who believe in God.

For months and months and months even years i have been wishing and praying and hoping for a baby, a pregnancy just a sign that it is possible. Well, i have decided to play a trick or for a more professional term; Use reverse psychology on god. I am going to now start praying and hoping and wishing to NOT want a baby. Siting here wanting one so bad makes me believe that if it really actually happened that i prayed that i didnt weant one and it came true that once i did become pregnant that i would go back to this mindset. Obviously though that is not how it would work, if i became pregnant after not wanting a baby than how would that go? Its gotta be on somewhat of the right track since in my world it seems as though only a handful of people who are actually trying, do achieve this was is suppose to be natural process, MY RIGHT!


people that love me and my happenings

About Me

My photo
Hopefully you will all get to know me very well, as my whole entire blog will be the latter "about me" but until then 24 years of age living in what was once called the number one city in america, but i bet none of you know this. I do not and will not capitilize my i's that are in the middle of a sentence. I am married to a man who has a big heart but it is hidden and i am on the forever journey to try and find it. I recently thought of starting a blog because i believe some things that happen in life are worth writing down. This might be a string off of my new found love of books.